Nouvelle Vie

In spite of all that would indicate otherwise –

The tips of my fingers are always ready to interlock to close a hug for you.
The edges of my shoulder are always braced for your head to lean on.
The muscles in my back are always primed in case you request my help to carry you through whatever.
The soles of my feet are durable enough to walk with you as far as needed.
The surface of my lips always has a compassionate kiss ready on demand for you.
My ears are always perked for you.
Most of all, my heart is always filled with LOVE for you.




For so long, I had tunnel vision focused on a destination where others said my life resided.

I suffered many emotional cuts and bruises from forging, as instructed, towards the destination without any concept of a pathway.

When I untethered my focus from that destination, many paths emerged within my perspective.

Help, again, came (oftentimes unbidden) to direct me on the path thought best for a me who existed only in eyes blinded with intolerance and bias.

Again, my emotions were tortured as I drug my psyche onward in circuitous treks across deserts where oases of true happiness were always nothing but mirages.

My pains eventually inspired me to consider that I was not equipped enough to make any noteworthy progress.

I sought out vehicles (people, places, and things) to take me away from where I found myself planted, but unable to root.

Alas, my emotions withered from finding no real nourishment in the pesticides that masked themselves to mimic the nourishment known as joy.

Finally, I looked within myself to find the wings that allowed me to take flight in air that nursed my wounds and resuscitated my soul.

Nirvana is within my sights.